P125L EN342 [- 22ºC]

P125L EN342 [- 22ºC]

Extension of Style P125 longer and with hood, provides lightweight warmth. Two insulated hand warmer pockets, insulated knit collar and knit nylon cuffs.
Certified according EN for cold Pr EN342

Certification nº: 0072/282/162/08/96/0465

Cold Pictogram 0.254m2.k/w (B) 23
Pr EN 342 CE96 0072




Refrigue Lda.

E. N. 252 ao Km 11,330
Parque Ind. das Carrascas
2950-402 Palmela

Tel +351 212363601
Fax +351 212362341

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Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo de Lisboa


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